Make an appointment now

We take our time when it comes to the future

A company succession takes time – and trust. It’s not possible nor is it necessary to decide anything solely on the basis of your first impression. This is why we are available at any time for a non-binding, confidential meeting in which we can discuss existing possibilities together with you.
Contact us, we will be happy to arrange a personal appointment with you!


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How to find us:

MIB Industriebeteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG
Heinz-Fangman-Straße 2, 42287 Wuppertal
Telephone +49 (0)202 373249-0
Telefax +49 (0)202 373249-99

Visitor parking is available at the rear of the building opposite the main entrance.

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Contact us

Christoph Borges

Managing Partner

T +49 (0)202 373249-0
F +49 (0)202 373249-99


    I would like to contact MIB Industriebeteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG and have read and accepted the privacy policy.